Town Of Franklin
Recent News About Town Of Franklin
Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending July 2?
Top earning committee received $10,000 in the week ending July 2.
Who made the largest political contributions during week ending July 2?
Largest contributions made during the week ending July 2 are $5,000.
Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending April 30?
Top earning committee received $216,500 in the week ending April 30.
Who made the largest political contributions during week ending April 30?
Largest contribution made during the week ending April 30 is $200,000.
Who made the largest political contributions during week ending April 23?
Largest contribution made during the week ending April 23 is $364,911.
Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending April 23?
Top earning committee received $398,139 in the week ending April 23.
Charles George VAMC ranks 74th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 74th among VA health care systems with 49,167 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Dec. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 71st in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 71st among VA health care systems with 50,197 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 68th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 68th among VA health care systems with 53,103 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Sep. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 47th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 47th among VA health care systems with 69,520 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending June 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 62nd in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 62nd among VA health care systems with 58,302 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending July 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 39th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 39th among VA health care systems with 84,653 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending April 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 49th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 49th among VA health care systems with 94,205 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending March 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 49th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 49th among VA health care systems with 93,807 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Feb. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 47th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 47th among VA health care systems with 92,742 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Jan. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 46th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 46th among VA health care systems with 92,785 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Dec. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC ranks 48th in total VA system pending appointments
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville ranked 48th among VA health care systems with 87,961 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC facilities schedule 89,816 medical appointments in September 2019
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville North Carolina scheduled 89,816 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending September 1, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC facilities schedule 51,028 medical appointments in October 2020
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville North Carolina scheduled 51,028 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending October 1, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Charles George VAMC facilities schedule 88,178 medical appointments in October 2019
The Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville North Carolina scheduled 88,178 pending appointments across its four locations during the period ending October 1, according to data collected from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.