North Carolina General Assembly
State Government: Elected Officials | State Legislative Bodies
Recent News About North Carolina General Assembly
With election approaching, Moore highlights North Carolina Republicans successes in swipe at Democrats
North Carolina House of Representatives Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) recently outlined the most significant political events in the state as voters continue to cast their early ballots heading toward the Nov. 3 election.
From South North Carolina News
Robeson DWI court slated to receive an additional $50,000 from COVID-19 relief funding
State Senators said they included funds for Robeson County's DWI Treatment Court from a recently approved $1 billion virus relief package.
North Carolina Republican legislators want to give $325 stimulus checks to certain families
North Carolina Republican lawmakers hope to issue stimulus payments, broaden the school of choice guidelines, and more as they discussed how to spend federal COVID-19 assistance funds, EducationNC reported.
North Carolina House speaker appoints Hall to co-chair House Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) appointed Rep. Destin Hall (R-Caldwell) to co-chair the House Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations.
North Carolina provides $29 million to fund research efforts related to COVID-19
House Speaker Time Moore (R-Cleveland) recently hailed $29 million from the state’s $1.5 billion COVID-19 relief package that will go toward funding coronavirus research in North Carolina.
Moore: Past savings have prepared North Carolina to weather COVID-19 storm
State House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Kings Mountain) recently spoke about North Carolina’s unemployment rate and the ongoing response to the multi-part crisis faced in light of COVID-19 developments.